Yoga and Meditation
Yoga and meditation activities take place at several locations in Carrefour Zen. When the weather permits, we take advantage of the grassy area of +3000m² where a few eucalyptus trees provide shade. In rainy or hot weather, we fit out our 600m² shed and our 1000m² terrace.
The yoga and meditation classes are supervised by speakers with more than ten years of experience. Among them, Amal Zannier, master yogi who trained with Master Yogis (Indian, English, Balinese, Moroccan). Amal accompanies children and teenagers in the practice of Hatha yoga.
educational goals
The objectives targeted in the educational workshops of yoga or meditation make it possible to develop skills in children and adolescents, including: Acting with one's body, planning one's action to carry it out, discovering the principles of a healthy lifestyle, for health and well-being... The practice of these workshops at different levels is compatible with cycle 2, 3, and 4. Below is a detail of the skills worked on in cycle 2 and 3.
Cycle 2
Round 3
Round 4
Skills worked
Develop motor skills and build body language
- Become aware of the different resources to be mobilized to act with your body. -
Adapt motor skills to varied environments.
- Express yourself through your body and agree to show yourself to others.
Appropriate alone or with others, through practice, the methods and tools to learn
- Learn by trial and error using the effects of his action.
- Learn to plan your action before carrying it out.
Learn to maintain your health through regular physical activity
- Discover the principles of a healthy lifestyle, for the purposes of health and well-being.
- Do not put yourself in danger by a physical commitment whose intensity exceeds your physical qualities
Develop motor skills and build body language
- Adapt motor skills to various situations.
-Acquire specific techniques to improve its efficiency.
-Mobilize different resources (physiological, biomechanical, psychological, emotional) to act efficiently.
Appropriate alone or with others through practice, the methods and tools to learn
- Learn through action, observation, analysis of one's activity and that of others.
- Repeat a gesture to stabilize it and make it more effective.
-Use digital tools to observe, evaluate and modify their actions.
Learn to maintain your health through regular physical activity
- Assess the quantity and quality of daily physical activity in and out of school.
- Know and apply the principles of a healthy lifestyle.
- Adapt the intensity of his physical commitment to his possibilities so as not to put himself in danger.
Appropriate a sporting and artistic physical culture
- Know how to situate performances on the scale of human performance.
- Understand and respect the environment of physical and sporting practices.
Develop your motor skills and learn to express yourself with your body
-Acquire specific techniques to improve efficiency.
- Communicate intentions and emotions with his body in front of a group.
- Verbalize the emotions and sensations felt.
-Use appropriate vocabulary to describe the motor skills of others and their own.
Appropriate alone or with others through practice, the methods and tools to learn
- Prepare-plan-represent an action before carrying it out.
- Repeat a sporting or artistic gesture to stabilize it and make it
more efficient.
- Build and implement individual learning projects
or collective.
- Use digital tools to analyze and evaluate your actions and those of others.
Learn to maintain your health through regular, reasoned and reasonable physical activity
- Know the effects of regular physical practice on your state of being and health.
- Know and use objective indicators to characterize physical effort.
- Assess the quantity and quality of daily physical activity in and out of school.
- Adapt the intensity of his physical commitment to his possibilities so as not to put himself in danger.
Appropriate a sporting and artistic physical culture to gradually build a lucid view of the contemporary world
- Appropriate, exploit and know how to explain the principles of efficiency of a technical gesture.
- Acquire the bases of a reflective and critical attitude towards the sporting spectacle.
- Discover the impact of new technologies applied to physical and sports practice.
- Know the essential elements of the history of bodily practices that shed light on contemporary physical activities.