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Educational farm

The educational farm finds its resources in the agricultural world that it promotes. Teaching and educational, pedagogical and therapeutic workshops focus on knowledge of the rural and agricultural world, the natural and cultural environment. The educational farm offers recreational and interactive activities between students and its inhabitants. 


It presents six different animal species (chicken, pigeon, rabbit, goat, donkey and guinea fowl) and counts about fifty animals.


The educational farm can be supervised by the teacher from the visiting establishment, by parents of volunteer pupils, by certain members of our educational staff as well as by our technical manager and resident breeder.

educational goals

Discover, identify, name, draw the animals of the educational farm

Discover and name the food needs of animals on the educational farm

Control your emotions in front of the animal

Approach, touch, pet the animal

Observe the gestures of the breeder

Learn to feed, water and clean animals and their environment

Using your senses on the farm

Act as a responsible citizen who respects his environment

Example of skills worked

Mastery of the French language

The humanist culture

Social and civic skills

Autonomy and initiative

For students on the common base at the end of cycle 2 on the workshops of the educational farm:

Speak clearly orally using appropriate vocabulary.

Read alone, aloud, a text including known and unknown words.
Read alone and understand a statement, a simple instruction.

Copy a short text without error in a script. cursive readable and with a neat presentation.

Use your knowledge to better write a short text.

Independently write a text of 5 to 10 lines.


Distinguish the recent past from the more distant past.

Apply the codes of politeness in their relations with their classmates, with adults at school and outside of school, with the teacher in the class.

Participate in class in a verbal exchange while respecting the rules of communication.

Listening to understand, questioning, repeating, carrying out a task or an activity.

Working in a group, committing to a project.

Representing one's immediate environment, finding one's bearings in it, moving about in it in an appropriate way.

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