Yoga and Meditation
Yoga and meditation activities take place at several locations in Carrefour Zen. When the weather permits, we take advantage of the grassy area of +3000m2 where a few eucalyptus trees provide shade. In rainy or very hot weather, we fit out our 600m2 shed and our 300m2 terrace.
Fatigue, workload, nervousness... It can be complex to stay focused and manage your emotions on a daily basis. The practice of yoga, meditation or relaxation then helps to calm down and refocus. Accessible to adults of all levels, yoga is a playful practice that allows us to deepen our awareness of our body, to understand our emotions, but also to develop concentration skills. Our yoga and meditation workshops are supervised by Amal Zannier, Hatha Yoga professional, having trained with Master Yogis (Indian, English, Balinese, Moroccan) to better integrate this ancestral Art of Living.

Amal Zannier